The Next Gen Herefords held their first day out on Saturday 24th July.

The group began by visiting the Irish Farmers Journal THRIVE research farm on the farm of John Hally, Tipperary. Declan Marren, beef journalist with the Irish Farmers Journal gave a detailed talk on the research being carried out on the farm. The trial involves purchasing dairy-beef calves from local dairy farms and feeding them onto slaughter. All stock are fed primarily grass with little concentrates and finished before the second Winter. The results of the research being carried out are very positive for the Hereford breed who are outperforming the other breeds on the farm with 80% of Hereford heifers and 64% of Hereford steers finishing off grass before the second Winter – ahead of the other breeds of cattle.

Tennyson Egar from Irish Hereford Prime also went through fat scoring steers and heifers and the tell tale signs that a bullock or heifer is fit for slaughter.

The group then spent the afternoon at Scott’s Knockfin Pedigree Hereford herd in Laois. This a family farming enterprise which comprises of Pedigree Herefords, some commercial stock and tillage. The group were given a tour of the farm and a run through the farm system before looking at the stock including; young bulls, maiden heifers, in-calf heifers, cows and stock bulls. Francis, Tim and John Paul Scott gave a detailed overview of the enterprise including the bloodlines and breeding of the stock.

Tennyson Egar from Irish Hereford Prime also gave a demonstration on the various cuts of beef and their value.

Glenn Jacob, Dunsinane Hereford breeder and Irish Hereford Prime board member gave a demonstration about the Breed Improvement Scheme bulls and Hereford bulls available in AI, indicating his own experiences using various straws on cows and heifers and the outcomes he found.

The day was very enjoyable all round and incorporating the commercial with the Pedigree meant there was something for everyone.

Huge thanks and appreciation are due to Declan Marren from the Irish Farmers Journal and John Hally, the farm owner, the entire & extended Scott family of Knockfin Herefords, Glenn Jacob of Dunsinane Herefords, Tennyson Egar from Irish Hereford Prime and all who attended on the day.

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