Irish Hereford Charity Calf Rearing Exhibition

The calves that were being reared on farm all year were exhibited at the Next Gen Herefords Youth Competition on 18th November 2022.

To cap the evening off, there was a parade of Hereford cross calves that are being reared by Hereford breeders across the country in aid of local charities. The calves were a credit to their young handlers as they were in top condition and turned out extremely well. These calves are a great advertisement for what the Hereford cross calf bred from a dairy cow can do for the farmer on the ground. Each of the calves returned home with their rearer after the event where they will be kept until next Autumn and sold in their local marts for their chosen charities. There will be continued updates on the Next Gen Herefords social media channels as the stories of these Hereford cross cattle progress.

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