August 30, 2024
Next Gen

Irish Hereford Travel Bursary Candidates move onto phase two of theCompetition!

The candidates competing in the Irish Hereford Travel Bursary workshop onSaturday 13th July- the second stage in choosing two teams torepresent Ireland at the World Hereford Conference Young Breeders Competitionin Kansas in 2025! This followed the first stage of submitting a writtenapplication form.

The main focus of the workshop day was working as a team, grooming andcattle management and breed improvement.

Each of the candidates also completed a short introductory video about themselveson the day – all of these videos are available on Social Media.

The candidates performed very well on the day in all things Hereford,cattle grooming and team work showing that this is clearly going to be a toughcompetition leaving the judges with a very hard decision to choose just eightat the end.

Many thanks to our hosts the Fitzgerald family at Grianan Herefords,Westmeath.

The next round involves exhibiting a Hereford animal at selected Summershows before sitting an interview and making a presentation to a panel at theend of September and start of October.

Make sure to follow each participant on their competition journey at NextGen Herefords and Irish Hereford Prime social media channels!

LtoR: Sarah Murray, Mark Hyland, John O’Dwyer,Lesley Lewis, Neil Twomey, Lilly Cooke, Chloe Hartigan, Catherine Smyth,Patrick Farrell, Jack Larkin, Colin Burke & Clodagh McCaffrey

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