June 21, 2024
Next Gen

Irish Hereford Travel Bursary – Two Teams Will Be Chosen To Represent Ireland!

Following the submission of a large number of excellent applications for the four places on the team to represent Ireland at the World Hereford Conference Young Breeders Competition in Kansas, USA in October 2025 – The Irish Hereford Breed Society Council have decided to fund a second team meaning that there will be eight candidates picked from the competition to go forward instead of four and a total of €20,000 funding towards the trip from both Irish Hereford Prime and the Society.

At the World Hereford Conference, young breeders will participate in a variety of skills-based events centred around the United States agriculture industry. To conclude the event, the young breeders will participate in a fitting and showmanship competition at the American Royal on October 25th 2025 with the winners being crowned at the closing reception. Further details for the event in Kansas will be posted by the American Hereford Association as they become available. Each of the eight members of the two Irish teams will be entitled to a €2,500 travel bursary from Irish Hereford Prime and the Society to be able to compete in the international competition.

All applicants are gearing up for a busy summer of competition events including:

A Grooming & Team Building Workshop on Saturday 13th July on the farm of T&A Fitzgerald, Grianan Herefords, Co. Westmeath.

A tour of & stock judging at Kepak Clonee in Dublin on Friday 26th July.

Exhibiting at one of four designated shows including; Arva Show, Nenagh Show, Tullamore Show and/or Tullamore Show.

The final stage is a private interview including a 3-minute presentation on 28th September 2024 or 5th October 2024 for each participant.

The winners will be announced later in October.

The Council wish to extend the very best of luck to each of the candidates in the competition.

Keep any eye out on the Next Gen Hereford social media channels for updates on the competition.

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