August 22, 2024
Next Gen


A great day was had at the Hereford Youth Grooming workshop on Saturday 20th July on the farm of John Canty, Portanob Herefords, Kildalkey, Co. Meath.

The day incorporated all things involved in show prep including clipping and grooming, what products to use on cattle to have them looking their best during the show while highlighting their best traits. This demonstration was given by Michael Carey and Catherine Smyth. The duo detailed all the do’s and don’ts when getting ready for show. They also highlighted show day etiquette, personal presentation and general items involved in showing cattle. Each young breeder then got hands on with grooming an animal themselves.

John Canty then gave a stock judging demo with his Hereford bulls before giving young handlers a chance to handle and walk cattle.

After lunch everyone made a halter from rope which they brought away to use at home.

There were alot of new young breeders in attendance which was very positive and equally as rewarding to see young breeders improving their skills year on year.

Many thanks & appreciation to John Canty & family for hosting the workshop. Many thanks & appreciation also to Michael Carey & Catherine Smyth for all their help with everything on the day & behind the scenes and to all the participants for attending, despite the weather and engaging.

We look forward to meeting young people out and about at shows across the Summer.

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